Partners in Healthcare Exchange
Healthcare Practice Optimization (HPO)

Healthcare Practice Optimization (HPO)

What is HPO?

Healthcare practice optimization or HPO is the process by which PHX can analyze and improve upon how your business is run on a day-to-day basis.

  • Improvement of tasking and notifications of duties across practice
  • Evaluation of patient encounter documentation
  • Storing and retrieving clinical data, recommendations for HIPAA/HITECH solutions
  • Reduction of paper (e.g. charting, notation, eRx)
  • Leverage secure communications channels between providers and patients

PHX-Healthcare Practice Optimization Package

Full analysis and survey of your practice workflows, and opportunities for cost-savings, efficiency savings

Detailed reporting on findings, with opportunities for improvement, feedback and revenue strategy

Focusing on: EHR Optimization, Clinical Documentation and Coding, Reporting and Data Collection, Technology Utilization

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